Fifa 18 demo defending
Fifa 18 demo defending

fifa 18 demo defending

I like the defending now as in 17 the cpu defending helped out players way too much and now will expose many people who can't defend on their own. I managed to play the demo for a bit now and I enjoyed it quite a bit. marginally better but still filled with lots of random unexplained bullshit. i said it in 16 that i wouldnt buy another one until they fix manager mode. it seems to make you weaker rather than improve the skill of the AI.

fifa 18 demo defending

i find legendary easier that the couple levels below it. Looking forward to squad battles as I doubt I will be good enough to get in the weekend league my first year. Overall I am looking forward to the release, already pre-ordered and have ea access.

fifa 18 demo defending

This will be the first year I get into Ultimate Team seriously. The AI must to be dumbed down a little on the demo though as I managed to win on Legendary and I know I am not super good. What else, the passing and dribbling is really good as well, the game feels slower compared to 17,so the tricks and skills actually work better now. I like that the sprint does not work like it did in 17 where every one could run quick all the time, was unrealistic so this is an improvement. In 17 I never used it that much but after the demo will be using alot now. Crossing is great, not sure what it is but it feels so much better.

Fifa 18 demo defending